Friday, 9 February 2018

Visit the Legendary Club Wet Note

Club Wet Note had its grand opening on Saturday, October 26th, 2002. Wetband members and fans gathered for a CD release party in celebration of the band's break into the CD market. The new club is dedicated to collecting and displaying Wetband memorabilia, and has a Wetband collection unrivalled even by the Smithsonian Institution. To celebrate their break into the CD market, the Wetband broke into song and played an impromptu live concert for their enthusiastic fans. Pandemonium broke out when they were joined on stage by drummer Bob Scorcese and guitarist Kid Cola, both of whom are legendary participants in past Blues Festivals and other recording events.

The illustrious entrance way to the famous Club Wet Note: the premier locale for Wetband begandering.

Upon crossing the threshold, the intrepid, erstwhile Wetband beganderers find themselves moving down a long foyer festooned with Wetband photographic memorabilia including many Blues Festival posters from bygone years.

Still further down the foyer, one's attention is arrested by a black framed early (perhaps earliest) sepia toned daguerreotype of the Wetband accompanied by a cortillion of courtly classical guitarists:

Beyond the foyer one is enticed and entranced by a shimmering and alluring leopardine decoupage through which one passes into the luxurious Leopardette Lounge.

One glimpse into the Leopardette Lounge and one is compelled onward to genuflect before the Leopardette Shrine, giving thanks for those who have been the Wetband's most enthusiastic supporters and backup vocalists.
And who should surprise you in the Leopardette Lounge but two of the most famous Leopardettes of all time:  Sheila and Shirley.

And as one ventures on, one can but stand in amazement before this poster reminding one that the Wetband has been playing together off and on, for better or worse, in tune and out...for twenty years.

Twenty years...and there they are, spread out before us in all their glory: the Wetband's magnificent and multifarious recordings.

And let the music begin!  A glimpse of Jethro and Woody playing at the Club Wet Note CD Release party.
Woody, Willie, Wendy (behind Willie), Jack, Kenny, Bob and Jethro at the Wetband CD Release Party.

And Willie, Kenny and Bob Scorsese crank it up at the Wetband CD Release Party.

Jethro with his biggest fan from Down Under, the vocalist Suze Melbourne who also graced the Wetband's 20th Anniversary Blues Festival.
A view of the balcony scene featuring Rockin' Meghan B. Bassman, Suze Melbourne and legendary Wetband keyboardist Paul B. Joel. 

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